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Soviet warrior 1989 № 4 On the road of change.
Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:20:08
C 11/10/2012Фильм рассказывает о сокращении Вооруженных сил СССР, о привлечении отдельных частей и соединений к оказанию помощи в народном хозяйстве страны.
Soviet warrior 1985 № 1
Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:02
C 11/10/2012About des Gardes anti-aircraft Putilov-Kirov Order of Lenin shelf.
Life and learning of students Sevastopol Higher Naval Engineering College.
Championship Armed Forces of motorcycling on ice (Speedway).
Soviet warrior 1985 № 2
Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:00
C 11/10/2012Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment.
To the 100 anniversary of the MV Frunze.
On release from the German invaders Reserve Mikhailovskoe.
Soviet warrior 1985 № 3
Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:57
C 11/10/2012Tbilisi Higher Artillery Command School of the Red Banner. 26 Baku commissars.
About Women's Council of H-garrison, led by the wife of an officer NN Tikhomirova.
Exhibition of works of military art studio behalf Grekova.
New book available for sale to the House of military books. 10th Spartakiada friendly armies, dedicated to the 40 anniversary of Victory.
Soviet warrior 1985 № 4
Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:00
C 11/10/2012Veterans Meeting 55th Guards Tank Brigade, with its commander, Colonel-General DA dragoons.
About family captain paratroopers airborne troops S. Zhilin and his father, Warrant reserve NG Žilina.
On a new concert program to the 40 th anniversary of Victory Song and Dance Ensemble of the CA. Alexandrov.
Soviet warrior 1985 № 5 40 anniversary of the Great Victory.
Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:41
C 11/10/2012Solemn meeting in IMR to 40-th anniversary of Victory.
Military parade on Red Square.
Veterans Meeting in Moscow, Warsaw, Volgograd.
Soviet warrior 1985 № 6
Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:02
C 11/10/2012В выпуске рассказывается о службе военно-строительных частей Министерства Обороны СССР, о советских пограничниках и городе-герое Смоленске.
Soviet warrior 1985 № 7
Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:02
C 11/10/2012On the tank "Merciless", created during the war to the personal funds of writers and artists.
About the best battalion soldiers railway troops. 60 th anniversary of the Minsk district house officers.
Soviet warrior 1985 № 8
Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:06
C 11/10/2012Выпуск посвящен приему в Кремле в честь выпускников военных академий 1985 года и десантникам гвардейской воздушно-десантной части.
Soviet warrior 1985 № 9
Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:02
C 11/10/2012В выпуске рассказывается о ходе учений "Кавказ-85" войск Закавказского военного округа.