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Soviet warrior 1980 № 6
Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:08
C 11/14/20121 syuzh.
Meeting of the command and the political composition of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Supports AA Epishev, NV Ogarkov.
2 syuzh.
The lessons to young soldiers in the company of Lieutenant Naletova.
Physical education, theory.
Meeting of the Party Committee of the Rifle Regiment.
Says raids.
3 syuzh.
Meeting of war veterans - players in the Central House of the Red Army.
AG Mazur (Master of Sports in the fight) is involved with youth.
Soviet warrior 1980 № 7
Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:06
C 11/14/20121 syuzh.
Reception at the Kremlin in honor graduates of military academies.
Say marshals Dmitri Ustinov, NV Ogarkov and others.
Present generals, teachers academy graduates.
2 syuzh.
The officers, political workers, nomadic brethren.
Nomadic Family. S. Kochev conducts classes for men (in class).
The battery in the classroom: the soldiers to load a gun, shot gun.
Handing pennants decorated soldier.
3 syuzh.
Athletes are equestrians march on the racetrack.
Contest: Athletes take obstacles.
Soviet warrior 1980 № 8
Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:08
C 11/14/20121 syuzh.
Streets of Moscow decorated with flags and emblems of the Olympics-80. Athletes with a torch run through the streets.
Parade of athletes at the stadium: the team are Greece, Austria, Vietnam, the Soviet Union.
Make Olympic flag.
Leonid Brezhnev and others.
Belov runs with the torch.
Lights the fire of the Olympics.
Flying pigeons, Misha.
Sports composition.
Fly balls.
2 syuzh.
Taiga landscape.
Military build a bridge: the laying of foundation, a soldier drills sleeper.
Rewarding soldiers medal.
The bridge is a train.
3 syuzh.
Issue listeners in the Omsk Higher School.
The parade of cadets.
Relatives and friends of graduates.
Presentation of diplomas.
Farewell to a war banner.
4 syuzh.
Conference devoted to the cinema in the Central House of the Soviet Army.
Performers are FT Ermash, SA Gerasimov, and others.
Delegates at the courses "The Shot".
The soldier jumps from a burning house on the tank.
Soviet warrior 1980 № 9
Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:06
C 11/14/20121. On Games 22nd Summer Olympics in Moscow.
2. On the ascent of Elbrus.
Soviet warrior 1980 № 10
Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:01
C 11/14/20121 syuzh.
Students of the Academy of Armored Forces at the parade ground.
Introductory lecture students read the General Orlov.
Newsreel: The first Soviet tanks in Red Square, the tanks involved in the fighting on Khalkhin-tank attack in the Great Patriotic War.
Tank doctrine.
The grand meeting in the conference hall of the Academy in honor of 50letiya Academy of Armored Forces.
Performers are general Vtorushin, Losik.
2 syuzh.
Harvester removes bread.
The soldier driving a car.
Cleaning beets.
Warriors drivers.
3 syuzh.
Monument on Kulikovo field.
Book "Zadonshchina." Pictures: duel heroes, the scene of battle.
Mail, mace.
Rally near the monument.
Stands Kochemasov.
Pass the representatives of the cities.
Opening of the monument of the Great Patriotic War.
Eternal flame.
Soviet warrior 1980 № 11
Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:04
C 11/14/2012Moscow.
Military parade on Nov. 7 at the Red Square in honor of 63 anniversary of Great October Revolution.
The plot tells about the soldiers one part of the Samara-Ulyanovsk rail division.
Gorky Street during the holidays.
Of the Soviet Army on the play "Why is the sea salty?" in Theater.
Fragments of the play (synchronous).
Interviews actor B. Shalevich (synchronously).
Soviet warrior 1980 № 12
Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:02
C 11/14/2012The rally in the Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment Panfilov division.
Warriors on the technical and tactical exercises in the library, near the monument to fallen soldiers Panfilov.
Military Academy.
The grand meeting at the Academy on the occasion of awarding the Order of the October Revolution.
Visit to the Central Museum of Armed Forces of the USSR President of Mozambique, Moises Machel.
General view of the Chief Military Clinical Hospital.
The work of doctors and nurses of the hospital.
The operation.
Soviet warrior 1981 № 1
Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:04
C 11/14/2012On the part of the mechanized infantry company commander of the Central Asian Military District Senior Lieutenant Vladimir Yakovlevich Vavilin.
On a visit one of the military units of Army Group South vengers Coy youth.
About the District Officers' House of the Ural Military District.
Soviet warrior 1981 № 2
Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:06
C 11/14/2012Visiting soldiers of Lenin seats.
About 26 delegate to Congress, the best battalion commander of the Marine Corps of the Red Banner Black Sea Fleet Major Viktor Petro Viche Polosina.
About 26 delegate to the Congress of the CPSU: listener Air Force Academy named after Gagarin's Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot Vasily Shcherbakov.
On winter motocross Cup USSR in Kovrov Vladimir region.
Soviet warrior 1981 № 3
Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:08
C 11/14/2012Study warriors CA material 26 Congress of the CPSU. On the Dzerzhinsky Academy.
Voennachalniki - 26 delegates of the Congress of the CPSU. Warriors on the construction of BAM; Uljanovskoe tank school.
Frontier Military-Political Academy.
On the military hospital doctor Calista Alexeevna Zinenko-Sklabinskoy.