Newsreels Want to know everything

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154 documents,

Want to know everything 1988 № 179

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:51 to collection G 2/21/2014

1. The story tells about the Sukharev tower, built at the behest of Peter I in Moscow.

The tower was demolished in the mid-30s.

2. About new politsvet pencils that are made of plastic.

3. This story introduces young viewers to a small " dragon-Gecko living in the Moscow zoo.

4. About "baby books", how they were created in the old days and how they are printed now.

Want to know everything 1988 № 181

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:42 to collection G 2/21/2014

1. "Satellite of Mars - Phobos and spacecraft Phobos"

2. "Three horses story»

3. "Simulation of clothing with a computer"

4. "The artist made ​​chainmail and battle armor"

Want to know everything 1989 № 185

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:56 to collection G 2/21/2014

1. "Inertial motion"

2. "The vibrational motion, reaction '

3. "Underwater World"

4. "Dolphins and experiments with them"

Want to know everything 1989 № 186

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:59 to collection G 2/21/2014

1. "Optical device with which you can travel around the city layout"

2. "Research conducted by scientists of historical portraits, their personality"

3. "The tallest mammal in the world - giraffe"

4. "Mystery of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato (Platonic solids)"

Want to know everything 1989 № 187

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:10 to collection G 2/21/2014

1. "Mechanical lecturer at the Polytechnic Museum"

2. "Floating room for training astronauts"

3. "A series of prints dedicated to Mount Fuji created Hakusan in the 18-19 centuries."

4. "Prime Meridian through Greenwich Observatory in England"

Want to know everything 1989 № 188

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:42 to collection G 2/21/2014

1. "A strange story." Acquaintance with the creator of the variety cooperative Artemon.

Alexander Teterin and his wards - raccoon, rooster, fox, bear, About the inhabitants of the hotel ... for cats, located in the English county of Levon.

5. "Different people." (entertainer).

Want to know everything 1990 № 191

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:59 to collection G 2/21/2014

3. How to make a tent, an antenna, equipment necessary for a hike.

4. Discontinued in Canada and in Moscow and is united by a single plan of cooperation between the two countries.

The viewer will visit the McDonald's. in Canada and in the USSR.

Want to know everything 1990 № 194

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:11 to collection G 2/21/2014

1. "Marble of the Sayan Mountains"

2. "Insect: mantis"

3. "American School of Grand Morano"

4. "The artist Levitskaya and her paintings"

Want to know everything 1990 № 195

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:49 to collection G 2/21/2014

1. "The egg as a symbol of the holiday, its coloring, production by artists"

2. "Tree of the tabernacle; artist working with him"

3. "Temples and their restoration"

4. "The Story of a house, or quiet conversation of things"

Want to know everything 1990 № 196

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:59 to collection G 2/21/2014

1. "Martial arts: Ken-do"

2. "The time machine and the artist sculpted figures from household items"

3. "House - Museum of scientist, researcher and surgeon N.I. Pirogov"

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