Newsreels Want to know everything

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154 documents,

Want to know everything 1984 № 159

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:19 to collection G 2/21/2014

1. "The magazine is dedicated to Leningrad, the story of the porcelain factory, its history"

2. "The story of the bridges: The Lion Bridge, Swan Bridge and Canal, construction of dams and manual Swan, who became a friend to man"

Want to know everything 1984 № 160

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:58 to collection G 2/21/2014

1. "Camera obscura." About a new velomobile, created in the studio of KB MADI.

4. "A hornless goat." The final plot of the release will tell you about an unusual breed of goats - about the hornless goats.

Want to know everything 1985 № 161

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:37 to collection G 2/21/2014

1. "The study of the planet Venus, the research"

2. "Aquarium fishes"

3. "Robots unhinged their continued application"

4. "Reproducers of ancient Russian musical instruments"

Want to know everything 1985 № 163

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:46 to collection G 2/21/2014

1. "Trolley park on Lesnaya Street and its history"

2. "Cock fish, their features"

3. "Why horse needs the horseshoe"

4. "The work of Italian painter Archimboldo"

Want to know everything 1985 № 165

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:10 to collection G 2/21/2014

1. "The most distant cosmic objects". 4. "Khoromy from straw № The plot tells of a wonderful craftsman VI Bakharev, who makes from the straw copies of monuments of ancient architecture.

4. "Four serious questions". entertaining.

Want to know everything 1986 № 167

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:01 to collection G 2/21/2014

1. "Kola Peninsula, installing of super-deep well on the 12 km"

2. "Fish lamprey, lifestyle '

3. "Modeller of Russian sailing ship"

4. "The new pipeline pneumatic transport"

Want to know everything 1986 № 172

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:57 to collection G 2/21/2014

1. "Civil War, newsreels, songs of those years"

2. "Model of the sea - ekontron, marine fish"

3. "The invention of a method of splitting rocks"

4. "Cactuses, their brand, feature"

Want to know everything 1987 № 174

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:59 to collection G 2/21/2014

1. "The method of air, oil and water cushion and its application in the industry"

2. "Ex Libris or sign accessories books, its production"

3. "Competition canaries"

4. "The birth of machine"

Want to know everything 1987 № 175

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:20 to collection G 2/21/2014

1. "Russian Grenadier Corps fought for the liberation of Bulgaria from Turkish rule: a monument in his honor in Moscow"

2. "Model of daylight activities created at the Institute for Building Physics"

3. "Spider - phalanx and its coexistence with neighbors"

4. "Toys of wood and paper and manufacturer"

Want to know everything 1987 № 177

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:47 to collection G 2/21/2014

1. "Newsreels of 1918., Young Chapayevites fought with him"

2. "The plant chlorella and its use"

3. "Singing Tree - xylophone and its diversity"

4. "Bees and their main purpose"

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