I'm going to the lost generations.. (1991)

Film-document №20265 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:40 to collection Price category S
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:52

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Producer Film studio Otechestvo

Director: Ivchenko V.

Script writers: Ivchenko V.

Operators: Sysoev V., Pershin O.


On the moral legitimacy "reburial" of the remains of soldiers killed in World War II and found in our days.

Reel №1

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Burn burning candle in the crucifixion of Christ.

Service in the church.

Murals; stands the priest with a censer.

Marble tombstones.

Murals on the walls of the church.

Smolensk region.

Winter forest.

A resident of a village near Smolensk Shklyaeva adjusts straps on his boots; goes through the snow; way to the grave; cemetery.

Shklyaeva stands at the grave; kisses pictures on the monument, crying.

Ruined temple.

Shklyaeva suited to a mass grave; monument.

Shklyaeva clears plaque with the inscription; stands at the graves.

Temple at the cemetery.

Shklyaeva leaves the cemetery trees.

Says Shklyaeva; village.

Winter landscape.


It takes a soldier.

Shklyaeva looking out the window; photos.

Shklyaeva says, crying. (Summer).

Riding a tank with the guys from the search party; guys jump from the tank, pass, cross the river water.

Search engine with a mine detector; dig.

The boys found the sleeve.

Lies skull.

Searchers looking at sleeve and documents found in the ground.

Looking girl.

The remains of a soldier skeleton pit.

Tent worth of search engines.

Hands holding a scroll.


Search Engines are sitting at the table; digging the ground, trees.


Liners on the ground.

Shklyaeva looking at the ground; takes her hand.


Looking girl.

Forest; helmet.

The remains of a fighter.

Shklyaeva takes the earth; goes through the woods.


Wild flower.

Reel №2

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Landscape (Smolensk region.).

Village huts.

Sings and plays accordion-Serge, hut.

Sitting woman Nura.

Newsreel 1930: The people listening to the radio; reproducer.

1940: passing motorcyclists.

Nura , a resident of the Smolensk region, telling.

Newsreel 1941-1945: Shoot guns.

In the forest falling trees.


Burning hut.

Ruined temple.


Baba says Nura.


Newsreel of 1941-1945: Soldiers are standing.

Red Square.

The soldiers at the guns.

Riding tanks.

Passes infantry.

Forest road.

Says a resident of the Smolensk region Kozyrev.

Newsreel 1941-1945: frozen corpses.

Broken appliances.



They're coming German tanks.

People cry in the frozen corpses.

It takes a woman Nastya; stands at the lamps.

Fence near the hut.

Baba says Nastya.

Sitting cat.

Icons in the house.

On the wall hangs a photo.

Baba says Nastya; cat.

Baba Nastya stands together with the guys from the search party.


The guy taking on water; guys sitting around the campfire.

Pit at the burial site of fighters.

The guys from the search team digging the ground; examine the clods.

Bags with the remains of dead soldiers loaded on the machine; the machine is closed.

Car rides; search the camp.

Bags with the remains discharged; dismantle the bone.

Reel №3

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The guys from the search group dismantled remains of the dead.

Search Engines play volleyball.

Girl combing her hair.

The young man is standing at the tent.

Tents search engines.

Shklyaeva says.

The remains of the victims.


Coffins with bones of the skull.

Icons on the wall.

Shklyaeva lights the lamp.

Landscape with the field.



Temple; trees, domes.

Service in the church; praying woman.

The priest stands at the headstones, waving a censer.

Carry the coffin.

The temple is surrounded by plants.

It is a woman with flowers.

The priest with censer, coffin.

On the coffin throw earth.

Crying woman.


Bags with the remains.

Nastya says .

Finder closes the coffin.

It takes people with flowers, girl, flower.

Shklyaeva stands at the coffin.

The coffin with the remains; Shklyaeva looks; crying.

Boarded the coffin.

Funeral procession passes.

Coffin on a gun carriage.

Trees alley.

Newsreel 30's: Crumbling Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Poster: At the old monastery blow Simonovka life.

Falls dome; falling walls of the monastery.

Tree crowns.

Skeleton in the ground.

Shklyaeva stands at the hut.

Leaves soldiers.

Simonov monastery.