Georgy Sedov. (1962)

Film-document №59328 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:19, Black-white to collection Price category L
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:04

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Producer LSDF

Director: Kvinihidze L.

Script writers: Vladimirov V.

Operators: Ivanov A.

Composers: Tombak S.

Recordist: N.Boronin


A film about the great Russian polar Explorer G. Y. Sedov and his expedition to the North pole 1912-1914. The story of the first Russian expedition to the North pole under the command of G. Sedov.

Figures of science

Biography | Science

Reel №1

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Sunrise in the Arctic.

View of the meteorological station.

Rotating propeller gauge the wind direction.

Flowers, water under melting ice.

Panorama weather stations, the direction of the wind.

Summer Arctic landscape, weather station equipment, antennas, a balloon in the sky.

Passing tracked all-terrain vehicle, rotates a pointer to the direction of the wind.

Sea Arctic coast, a wooden cross in memory of the expedition Gy Sedov on the rocky shore, the inscription on the cross in Latin letters.

A girl stands at the cross and looks at it, reads the inscription, the girl's face.

View of the Admiralty building in St.

Petersburg, the bas-relief above the arch.

Game footage: the officers in frozen poses on the stairs of the Admiralty, behind-the-scenes words of the Sedov and the expedition plans (synchronously), fragments of the lobby.

Officers in the frozen poses in the rooms of the Admiralty, behind-the-scenes words of the Sedov on the implementation of his plans (synchronously).

Interior view of one of the premises of the Admiralty, the Board table, the portrait of Nicholas II on the wall, sheets of paper and pencils on the table, behind the scenes the voice of Admiral leading the meeting on the question of the equipment of the expedition Sedov to the North pole and report Sedov (synchronous), the types of table in the Admiral's office, motionless figures of officers and sailors in the waiting room, the interior of the Cabinet.

Portrait Sedova G. Ya.

Panorama of the table, the internal types of the Cabinet, behind the scenes the voices of participants (synchronously).

Newsreel of the 1910 to 1912: Nicholas II takes the parade in Krasnoye Selo, participates in a solemn prayer service together with the heir.

Nicholas II tent talks with officers and generals.

The guards pass in front of the king during a parade.

Nicholas II on horseback during maneuvers, it pulls one of his aides.

A panorama of the area, officers and generals sitting before the parade.

Double-headed eagle above the arch of the Admiralty.


Nicholas II-Russian Emperor




St. Petersburg



Army; Political figures
Defense and internal security; Biography; Policy

Reel №2

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Newsreel of 1912: the Face Sedova G. Ya.

The people on the pier in Arkhangelsk, while the wires of the Sedov expedition 27 Aug 1912.

Sedov among the mourners, says a few parting words.

The people on the pier greeted the Sedov.

Sedov thanked the mourners, stand near students with the tri-color Russian flag.

General view of the schooner "St.


Sedov says goodbye to the mayor and members of the Arkhangelsk city Duma on the pier.

Sedov, on Board the schooner.

Tug push boat into the sea.

The people on the pier waving goodbye with their hands.

Sedov, on Board the schooner is studying the course on the map.

Schooner out to sea.

Court Arctic fleet are in a bit of ice near the shore, the girl aboard a sailing ship.

The types of aircraft of polar aviation of the USSR.

The plane was taxiing for takeoff, the controller permits a departure, the plane takes off.

Girl watching flying a plane.

The surface of the sea under the wing of the plane, the face of the operator, the ice under the wing of the plane, the radio operator sends a telegram.

The text of the transmitted radiograms.

Ice, divide the icebreaker ships go through the Northern sea route, the USSR flag on the mast of one of the vessels.

Interior view of the radio station icebreaker "Lenin" communications at work.

The girl inspects the radio equipment.

The Arctic landscape.

Newsreel of the 1912-1914 seasons: bear in the snow.

The descent of sled dogs on Board the schooner.

Sedov takes weather data from the instruments.

One of the participants of the expedition, chopping wood, sitting next to sled dogs.

A member of the expedition hammering the ice, throw snow on the side of the schooner.

The participants of the expedition are preparing to trek to the North pole on dogs, collect warm clothes.

Photo of the participants of the tour to the pole of G. Linnik, Pustoshny, A., Sedova G. Ya., an entry from the diary of Sedov 2 Feb 1914.

Newsreel 1914 : General view of the camp of the expedition of Sedov.

Participants hike to the North pole go to the dogs, the members of the expedition accompany them.

View of the camp of the expedition of Sedov.

Arctic landscapes.

An entry from the diary of Sedov on February 17, 1914.

The sun in the sky, the panorama of a snowy field.

Tent in the middle of a snowy field.

Burning alcohol stove inside the tent, lying next to the compass, behind the scenes is the text of the diary of Sedov (synchronous), the text from the 18th and 19th of February.

The sun shines through the clouds splashing sea water.

Burning a spirit lamp, next to it is a compass.

The setting sun of the Arctic landscape.

The pointer rotates the direction of the wind on the Arctic weather stations, equipment, and types of weather.

Arctic landscape, away people go, the sun over the sea Shine through the clouds.

The faces of Boys and girls standing on seashore, General view of the shore.

Arctic landscape under the wing of the aircraft of polar aviation.

The cross on the wintering grounds Sedov expedition to Novaya Zemlya in 1913, the inscription on the cross.


Sedov Georgy Yakovlevich-the Arctic Explorer, hydrographer




Arkhangelsk region



Arctic and Antarctic; Scientific expeditions
Geography and Nature; Science

Movie №1

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